New Protocols and Policies
Dear guest, please note that the following new way of doing things are not meant to scare you but now with the help of Health Officials are meant to protect you, other guests and the staff at Rich 1 Beauty, we ask that you read carefully and if you have any questions what so ever please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We are taking turns on phones and desk to minimize cross-contamination, this may cause in a delay in getting back to you.
Please notify us immediately to cancel your appointment if you answer “yes” to the following: 1. Have you come into close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who has a laboratory confirmed COVID – 19 diagnosis in the past 14 days? Or 2. Do you have any of the following: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat?
Know that we are minimizing the guest here as much as we can, so at the time of your appointment doors may be locked and we will alert you when it is your turn to enter.
You must come alone to your appointment; if you are coming with someone that also has an appointment then you must still come through the doors separately keep the appropriate social distancing.
Please come wearing your own mask, if you do not have one we may supply you with one for a fee.
There will be a waiver for you to read and sign before entering, please bring your own pen to sign. If you would like to speed things along we can send you the waiver and you can have it signed in time for your appointment.
Immediately entering Rich 1 Beauty; please proceed to the washroom and wash your hands for the appropriate amount of time.
Hand sanitizers are available throughout, however if you use hand sanitizer more than twice in a day it starts killing the flora in your skin, proper hand washing is recommended.
There will be no food, drink or magazines while you’re on the premises, if you are here for long sessions please keep your food, drink or reading material items in your vehicle. If you go to your vehicle; when you return start the whole process over again.
If you are here for a haircut/blow-dry your hair WILL BE shampooed here! No exceptions!
You must keep your mask on at all times unless you have been given the ok to remove it.
If you are entering a treatment room you will be given disposable booties to wear which you yourself can discard of.
If you are having some sort of facial treatment that a mask would be in the way of; we will tell you when you can remove the mask however you will be asked not to speak while the mask is off.
Although we have bathrooms please note that even with reduced traffic it will be difficult for us to maintain the level of “disinfection” that we would like, we will have cleaning solutions available to you, however bathrooms will be considered a “use at your own risk”.
When your service is finished please do not touch retail products, let one of the staff put on a pair of gloves to assist you.
At the time of checkout please wait to be assisted and stay away from front desk until a staff member tells you it’s time. Please note we are trying to minimize contact where we can, for this reason we are only going to be accepting payment by debit, credit or EMT; cash and cheques be accepted. Until further notice , no exchanges or returns/refunds. If you have a cash gratuity you would like to give your technician we will open an envelope where you can place it in.
Please know that although you can’t see our smiles and our expressions we love you and care about you, we will try to make this time of transition easy and as much fun as we can. Let’s do what we have to so that this new way of doing things is short term.
Big virtual hugs to you all.
Guest Check-In Questionnaire
Our team is devoted to the safety and well-being of our employees and guests. We therefore ask you to please complete the following questionnaire prior to your service to help us to try to attain the safest possible environment for all those concerned.
If you answer YES to any of these questions, PLEASE do not proceed with your service
Please circle each answer as it pertains to your health today with the utmost honesty:
1. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
a. Severe difficulty breathing (deeply struggling for breath, can only speak in single words)
b. Severe chest pain
c. Difficult time waking up
d. Feeling confusion
e. Loss of consciousness
2. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
a. Difficulty breathing (struggling for breath, cannot hold breath for 10 seconds)
b. A fever
c. New cough
3. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms that are not directly related to a known cause, i.e. arthritis, allergies, or recent injury? a. Muscle aches
b. Fatigue
c. Headache
d. Sore throat
e. Runny nose
4. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?
5. In the last 30 days, have you been in contact with someone who is sick with respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) and who has recently travelled outside of Canada? YES NO
6. In the last 30 days, have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19? YES NO
We request that you please follow our infection control protocols during your visit with us. This will require hand hygiene, masks, etc.
Thank you for helping us during this difficult time.
Name (print):_____________________________________ Date:_________ Phone:_____________